About Us

Learn more about Workforce.miami

Our Mission

Our mission is to catalyze workforce readiness and economic opportunities for all in Miami-Dade. We believe in the power of connection — linking job seekers with meaningful employment, educational resources, and the community support they need to thrive.

What we Offer

For Employers: Discover the talent within our community. Post your job opportunities, dive into our pool of skilled candidates, and utilize resources to kickstart internship programs that nurture the next generation of professionals. For Job Seekers: From your first job search to your next big career move, Workforce.miami provides the tools and resources to succeed. Explore job listings, engage in upskilling programs, and connect with internships that pave the way for your future.

Our Impact

From the individual success stories of job seekers who’ve launched their careers, to employers who’ve grown their teams with top talent, Workforce.miami is making a difference. Our platform is a testament to what we can achieve together — a stronger, more skilled workforce that benefits us all.

Our Partners

Get Involved

Join us in making Miami-Dade a place where talent thrives and opportunities abound. Whether you're seeking your next job or looking to fill one, Workforce.miami is your gateway to the future.

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